Suggest Massage at Work

Massage at work:

There are two types of massage at work. The first, fastest, smoothest and easiest to execute is "employer provided." This is when the company foots the bill. the second type of massage at work is "employee paid." This is when the employer gives their blessing for massage to operate on sight and leaves it to employees to handle their own payment and scheduling.

In either case massage has been proven to lower stress and improve performance both cognitively and physically in the short and long term and its well worth the investment.

“Lower Stress”

An aminated image of a young man receiving a neck and shoulder massage while at his work desk.

Defiantly an AI generated image. Thank you Open AI - cheaper then a stock image. (Its always interesting, to me, to look at the “artistic choices” made by an AI, its an interesting reflection of what we as a culture have published.)

Some times massage at work just isn't an option. Still there are things you can do. Take the forearm for example, that meaty part between your elbow and wrist is the flexor bundle. It is responsible for every key stroke, and cup of coffee held, and is often overlooked as a problem area, that's because its symptoms often manifest in the wrist and hands. Now examine the other side of your forearm, the bonier part, the top part between the elbow and the wrist. Those muscles (the extensor bundle) are constantly pulling against your flexor bundle.

Things you can do at work to ease stess and pain in the arms and hands.

A technique to reduce tension in the flexor bundle is to ease the pull of the extensors. What is that technique, that wont exhaust one hand hand while you work on the other?

Step 1. While seated at a desk place your palm on your knee.

Step 2. Find the bottom edge of your desk with the top part of your arm. (You may have to rotate it slightly in order to find that that meaty part.)

Step 3. Keeping your elbow from collapsing, slowly increase the pressure on the top of your are by pressing it into the bottom edge of the desk. You can use your toes to lift your knee, or rotate in your chair.

Step 4. Finding the right spot. You'll know when you fid the right spot. It should feel good. You might have to spend a minute at first to find the sweet spot and the body mechanics to make it work, but its there. Once you find that spot, hand out on it. In 60-90 seconds you should feel some relief.

Massage Article Published by

Portland Massage Arts

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Even if massage at work isn't an option, there are things you can do to relieve stress and pain while at work.

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